Wednesday, July 4, 2012

The Amazing Spider-Man

  Ok, I'm pouring my QT cup of haterade down the drain.  After I sat down in the theater, I mean-mugged through the previews and was ready to be disappointed. The Amazing Spider-Man proceeded to hit me with upper cuts, overhand rights, and left hooks. Not only was I pleasantly surprised, I left feeling that this may possibly be the best Spidey film in the franchise. All of the changes that were made didn't distract from the movie in any way, and in some cases enhanced it (you'll see). This film was darker, more realistic (if that's possible for a superhero action flick), and the action was gritty. Loved it. Andrew Garfield's Peter Parker is dead-on with the comic; nerdy, vulnerable, and pensive.

  The story was VERY good for an action flick, as well as the acting. This barbecued crow is tasting pretty good and I'm not mad about it.  Aside from a few slow moments, this is a hit. SO Ade gives this film 4 out of 5 crowns. Check out The Amazing Spider-Man more than once, and remember to STAY through the initial credits (it's a Marvel movie-lol)

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